Sunday, July 20, 2008

Day 27: Progress Report

7th July

Today was just going to be another day, except for the matter that I had to prepare a report and present it to Mr. Azhar by 1700 today. As I entered the office, I presented Mr. Azhar with a stack of brochures I got from ArhiDex which he might find helpful in updating his library.

  • Look into Amin Rafie Project
  • Look into Bukit Tunku Project
  • Progress Report

Amin Rafie Project

I browsed through the current status of the Amin Rafie Project as soon as I sat on the chair. What was left for me to do on the Amin Rafie Project is to complete the drawings to the pre-existing building. In the process of the drawings, Amir pointed out a few errors in the drawings and I set out to amend them. By the end of the day, the drawings were complete and I had to print them out for further inspection before submission.

Bukit Tunku Project

As I was working on the Amin Rafie Project, Mr. Azhar came over to me and notified me of the few design changes which I was required to work on before the weekend. The client wanted the windows changed to a certain design and I had to input some floral designs into the 3D model before presenting to the client.

Progress Report

The discussion with Mr. Azhar regarding my progress in the firm was held today after numerous delays on my part. The ‘report’, was a method used by Mr. Azhar to calculate the productivity of his employees; a time sheet stating the hours spent on a project. As we went through the time sheet, Mr. Azhar mentioned more responsibilities and involvement on a few projects which includes discussion with a structural engineer, inquiry to manufacturers, layout on site and material allocation for the UM Project. Besides that, Mr. Azhar talked about the industry and much more which made me feel almost like a family the firm.


My colleagues are starting to mark their calendars for my departure from the firm. It was not a farewell party they were planning but the traditional ‘bash the leaver’ party. The day went smoothly with us concentrating on our projects, however there were occasionally talks on torture methods they could try out on me. Out of pity they gave me a choice; treat them to lunch or receive the traditional ‘bash the leaver’ event. I choose the latter choice.

End of Day 27

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